What Would You Do?


If I had the power to run the country and change things around as I saw fit, I would first begin with the wages and pensions that the government receive. I believe that politicians and persons in government receive way too much for what they actually do. The entire country is suffering financially while they receive a huge pay check. People are losing their homes and their jobs and as a result due to them not having enough money, many are taking suicide as an option to getting out of their problems. The government ‘address’ it but they do nothing to prevent this by taking pay cuts or smaller pensions. They would still live a comfortable life with a pay cut but they wouldn’t be able to live in their huge houses or go on 5 holidays a year. I would have them on a smaller wage and a much reduced pension to better our country.

I would also ensure that people get back to work. There have been too many people in the country that have been out of work for far too long. Many of them are able and wanting to work but unable to get a job. I would get in touch with upcoming businesses and ensure that they will be offering a substantial amount of job openings to the public. Those that are on the dole and are just not wanting to work, I would have them take a cut in their weekly allowance to entice them into getting a job and contributing back in taxes. I would have the welfare visit them at irregular intervals to see that they do have a valid reason for not being able to work. There are far too many people in this country that are getting a free ride and taking full advantage of that.

Also, I would ensure that grants are made available to all those students that would require them to get an education. There are too many young people leaving the country and abroad to Australia, England etc to seek education and work as they can simply not get it here. There are so many times that it is said that education is so important for the country but it is not an option for many as they cannot afford to go to college without the assistance of a grant. They also cannot afford to pay the astronomical fees that students are now expected to pay for their education. It is difficult as it was going to college and get qualifications without now having to pay fees. I would have the government pay the fees as they did before and make grants available to students in need of them.

I would also put the Garda Siochana into regular training sessions to better their work. At the moment, their efforts are not up to scratch with public issues. They begin something and do not follow through with it which is just unacceptable. How are we supposed to trust and believe in our Garda if they do not put their words into action? In connection to this I would also not have cut back in hours available to the garda as it is already hard enough to get the necessary work done by them without them being cut their hours to do it in. They need to do better and if they had monitored regular training and assessment I believe that things could be improved.

I would not put a fee on a dog licence. I think the reason for having so many animals in shelters and being abandoned and mistreated is due to people unable to afford to pay for the licence each year or that they find it a nuisance. I would abolish the fee so that animals could be taken into a good home without them being hurt in the first place.

Lastly, I would have there be harsher punishment for people that are prosecuted for animal cruelty. Animals are living and breathing creatures that do not deserve to be harmed in any way. If a person abused another person then they would be facing prison time and a lengthy prison time at that so I believe that animal cruelty should be taken a lot more seriously in the country.

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